Welcome to Doodles To Design!

At “Doodles to Design”, we will teach you the basics of the Maker Pen and how you can advance your skills to become a pro with the Maker Pen!



Course Plan:

  • First Week

In the first half of our first lesson, we will start off by introducing teachers and the students to their classmates and giving an over-all orientation about our class. In our second half of our first lesson, we will introduce you to the basics of the Maker Pen and students will show off what they already know about the Maker Pen.

  • Second Week

In the first half of our second lesson, our teachers will show you beginning building with tubes, cubes, and more. In the second half of our second lesson, students will try to make basic furniture, such as chairs, tables and more. Students will also try to make basic plants, abstract art etc. etc.

  • Third Week

In the first half of our third lesson, students will get more familiar with building and using their Maker Pen by using the Tube settings we learned in week two. (radius, height, facets and uniform shapes). In the second half of our third lesson, our teachers will help you to master structuring, terrain and decor. (furniture, plants, buildings) to lead into our final project.

  • Final Week

In the first half of our final lesson, we will introduce the final project concept. (Creating a hang-out room using the skills you learned throughout the last three weeks). We will discuss themes and concepts such as cities, farms, mountains, skyscrapers etc. to build in the final project. Students will be able to pick their own groups (3 per group) for the project. You will begin to create your own room ( without using inventions) . You have have the full week to complete. You will need to put a specific tag (#D2DCLASS) in the room so we can access the room once published,



Students will be invited to the graduation room where the teachers will announce certain trophies, your graduation gowns, and much more!


Interested in joining D2D? (DISCORD IS REQUIRED)

Rooms Created By Our Fellow Students:

  • ^NightIslandUtopia

By: @ThatBSGamer

  • ^SkeptysHub

By: @ThatRealSkepty and @hannahvr_

  • ^Lumina-Lounge

By: @puggo1.

  • ^ViosZone

By: @OneHandedVio

  • ^Old-School-Hangout

By: @Garfielia, @_H00DI3, and @bubbles_rr

  • ^BathroomhangoutD2D

By:  @ChippityChaps

  • ^D2D-City-Hangout

By: @mineboygaming

  • ^Deep-Lounge

By: @dusty_1234